Alpine Cheese - Craft with Tradition

Alpine cheese is produced on the Riggisalp exclusively in summer from the end of May to mid-September. The cows are driven up the mountains at the end of May through a traditional event called "Alpaufzug" (alpine lift). In the Swis Alps the cows feed on delicious and varied pasture herbs. Hundreds of different herbs, crystal clear water and pure mountain air make the alpine cheese an experience and give it its special taste. In autumn the alpine herdsmen drive their cows back down into the valley. This event is called "Alpabzug" and is duly celebrated.

Cheese cellar on the Riggisalp

The cheese cellar on Riggisalp slowly but surely takes shape and starts to reach its capacity with different kinds of alpine cheese. The cheese cellar can be visited at the traditional alpine cheese factory Riggisalp. While the Riggisalp Mutschlis and Alperin cheeses are stored and cared for  on the Riggisalp until they are mature, the Gruyère AOP d'alpage makes room in the cellar after just under two weeks.

As space in the cellar at Riggisalp is limited, the Gruyères are handed over to the wholesaler Lustenberger & Dürst SA at an age of just under two weeks. The company stores the alpine cheese in Heitenried, matures it and later distributes it in Switzerland and throughout the world.


Gruyère d'Alpage AOP

Gruyère AOP d'alpage from the Riggisalp

Gruyère d'Alpage AOP is a hard cheese made from raw milk. The production of Gruyère d'Alpage AOP is strictly controlled by the Interprofession and manufactured in a very traditional way. This is a complex process that requires a great deal of sensitivity and experience. The cheeses weigh 25-35 kg. The cheese is stored for 5-12 months - depending on the degree of maturity - until it is ready for consumption. The Gruyère is an all-rounder, known worldwide and shouldn't be missing on any cheese platter.

Vacherin Fribourgeois d'Alpage

Vacherin Fribourgeoise d'alpage from the Riggisalp

The Vacherin Fribourgeois d'Alpage is produced on the Riggisalp exclusively from cow's milk from alpine pastures. This gives the cheese its unique character and exceptional aroma. The cheeses weigh 7-7.5 kg and are matured and cared for in the cellar for at least 3 months. This cheese is an essential ingredient of a traditional Fribourg Moitié-Moitié Fondue. Not to forget the popular Fribourg Vacherin Fondue.

Riggisalp Mutschli

Riggisalp Mutschli

The Riggisalp Mutschli is a mildly smeared alpine cheese with a sweet taste and a fine dough that passes on the tongue. The many alpine herbs give the Mutschli a pleasant and varied taste. Compared to the other types of cheese, a Riggisalp Mutschli is relatively small. One loaf weighs about 2kg, matures for at least 6 weeks in the cellar and is lovingly cared for in a traditional way.